August 29, 2006


I heard the most appallingly misleading political radio ad yesterday driving to work. It was sponsored by a group called "Common Sense Ohio" which seems to be lacking in all sense (especially common). In the ad, they accuse Democratic candidate for governor, Ted Strickland, of voting for public funding of abortions while failing to mention that the funding was provisional on the abortion being obtained due to rape or incest ONLY. They note that he voted against the "marriage act" while in Congress but do not acknowledge that the Federal government should have no determination in how a State defines marriage. The ad also mentions Mr. Strickland's Republican opponent, current Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell. They praise him for putting Ohio's spending "on a diet" but fail to say how the Secretary of State could control the spending in any State beyond his own office. Another ad promises that Mr. Blackwell will cut spending AND bring new business to the state without divulging how he might lure new business without spending money.
Look, Ohio already has a "marriage law" and whichever governor we choose in November is not going to change that. Ohio also has a current administration (of which Ken Blackwell's a part) that is mired in kickbacks and what appear to be overly-generous gifts. Common sense tells me it's time for a change.

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