October 9, 2006

TV land

We own 2 television sets. One in the basement and one in the "sunroom". I haven't turned either on in 5 months. Punkin uses the basement one for Playstation, so that's seen some action, but the sunroom one which dates back to the mid-1980's is woefully neglected.
I am aware of things that are on tv like Lost, Grey's Anatomy, Desperate Housewives, Dancing with the Stars, etc. I even know of some of the content of these shows (primarily from the gals at work) but I've not felt a compelling urge to put my book down and go take a peek.
It's not that my reading is so intellectual that I can't be bothered with low-brow television. Certainly not. I read just as much trash as what appears on the small screen. But I like to read. I like it a lot.
And when I'm not reading, I'm usually catching up on the news online.
I guess I just like my crap delivered in writing.

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