Here I am in the 21st century. Blogging. Until 6 months ago, I didn't know what a blog was! That being said, I am fully aware of the uselessness of blogging and the inanity of most morons who already spend endless amounts of time jotting their world view on sites such as this. I can't begin to imagine that my rantings are any more interesting than theirs. While they may be more erudite and certainly better-spelled than most, I'm sure they are as dismissable as some of the more boorish blogs. I don't mind. I kind of like the appeal of my mundane life joining that of thousands of others in a mass of blogging mediocrity.
Should anyone stumble onto this site in error, which undoubtably is the only way to stumble onto this site, feel free to post a hello and chuckle on your merry way.