Have you noticed around this time of year, along with the snapping cold, huge sales ads and endless Christmas music, another strange American obsession? Everyone has “the best” stuffing for turkey.
Everyone. This is obviously incorrect, because my Nana’s stuffing

is the best, therefore all these other people are wrong, but I can’t help but notice their almost-maniacal adherence to the delusions.
So what's Nana's secret? Or are you not blabbing?
You should have heard the heated discussion about bread vs corn bread stuffing at the last Weight Watchers meeting. Personally, I prefer bread, and I bet it's lower in points. nyah nyah corn breaders!
Sausage, sage, diced apple, sauteed minced onion, chopped parsley, and a loaf of white bread soaked in skim milk and wrung out. (adding liver and heart of turkey -diced- is optional)
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