February 10, 2006

PET PEEVES --installment 3

Animal rights. Yes, you can make an argument that abuse to animals is indicative of other potential abuses. And I am not advocating, nor will I ever advocate, the torture of any animal. But let’s be real: THEY ARE ANIMALS.

At what point in time did cute furry creatures become more important than human beings?
How can anyone justify the broadcast of a two minute TV news story (two full minutes of a 22 minute broadcast) about a kitten rescued from a dumpster, immediately followed by a 30 second story on a family of four killed in a house fire?
There are people who will physically assault another human being wearing a fur coat because they feel that at some level she (or he) is responsible for the death of a bunch of rodents. If you are against fur, don’t wear it, but don’t prevent other people from exercising their right to wear it.
And for pete's sake, lay off Colonel Sanders. First of all the man is dead. Second, we are talking about chickens. I'm fairly certain they aren't sitting around the farm thinking, "Our lives could be so much better." In fact, I'm sure they're not thinking at all. Their brain is the size of a freakin' lima bean.
If you want to make the world a better place. Leave the animals to fend for themselves and start helping some of the sentient beings pull their messed-up lives together. Spend some time at a homeless shelter, a half-way house, a soup kitchen. The muskrats won't mind and the people (your fellow humans) might appreciate the attention.

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