November 12, 2007

Water, water everywhere

In all the buzz surrounding global warming and rising temperatures, we're not paying enough attention to water. Carbon dioxide, greenhouse gases, rising temperatures. All get discussed. But our most precious resource, water, goes largely ignored. The average American uses 150 gallons of water per day. 150 gallons! Per person! And we're certainly not drinking it. Shorter showers, low-flow toilets, less dish-washing (I'm all for that one!). Don't forget that water is a finite resource and if ocean levels rise as predicted by even the most conservative estimates, freshwater may be affected. Then we will have no choice but to cut back.

Our first step should be the conversion of all those pristine front lawns into self-sustaining meadows. Here are 9 more tips for conserving water.

1 comment:

Ham said...

When I visited Florida I couldn't believe how many lawnsprinkers were in use. That and the aircon. And you know, most of them in florida don't look like they'll last five years, anyway.

Also swung by to let you know you are the big winner of the competition on Friday - eMail me your address and your prize will wing its way.