March 6, 2008

Can't decide?

John McCain garnered the dubious honor of the current president's endorsement as the Republican nominee for President of the United States. Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama are still wrestling over the Democratic side of things. To watch and/or read the news, you'd think they were the only three people running for president. Not so:

Cynthia McKinney, former Georgia Congresswoman; Kat Swift of Texas, co-chair of Texas Green Party; Jesse Johnson of West Virginia, former Mountain Party candidate for US Senate and Governor of West Virginia; Kent Mesplay of California, California Delegate to the Green National Committee are all running for the nomination from the Green Party.

For the Libertarians, Daniel Imperato, an entrepreneur from Florida; Steve Kubby, an author, political activist, cannabis consultant from California; Wayne Allyn Root, an author, CEO, TV celebrity and producer from Las Vegas; James Burns, former chairman of the Nevada Libertarian Party; Bob Jackson of Michigan; Mike Jingozian of Oregon; George Phillies of Massachusetts; Christine Smith of Colorado are all pursuing nomination.

The Prohibition Party nominated Gene Amondson.

The Socialist Party USA (not to be confused with the Socialist Workers Party) nominated Brian Moore of Florida for president.

The Socialist Workers Party nominated RĂ³ger Calero.

And then there's the Independents:

John Taylor Bowles, National Socialist; Frank Moore, Performance artist, writer, painter and musician; Ralph Nader, consumer advocate, Write-in candidate in 1992, Green Party presidential nominee in 1996 and 2000, and 2004 independent presidential candidate; Jonathon Sharkey, Professional boxer and wrestler.

I'm wondering if the performance artist isn't just in this for the performance. Or you could just write-in yourself. Or your worst enemy. Or your great-aunt Ethel. Anyone over the age of 35 and born in the United States qualifies. I say we all write-in Doghouse.

1 comment: said...

Wouldn't it be cool if everybody wrote in someone different and 100,000,000 candidates were tied with one vote apiece?