August 6, 2008


Unless you've been living in a cultural black hole (and I really live in something quite like one), you've probably heard some of the flap about the biggest, hottest pop single this summer: I Kissed a Girl by Katy Perry.
Here's the thing. I can't stomach the thing, but I suspect that's because every time it plays, I imagine I can almost hear a good friend of mine back in college saying those exact things to me after a slightly over-indulged night led me to believe he might --well-- go both ways.
"I got so brave, drink in hand/Lost my discretion/It's not what, I'm used to... . I kissed a girl just to try it/I hope my boyfriend don't mind it... ."
Needless to say, a kiss didn't sway him, certainly not a drunken one. No matter how good I was. (And I am good.) In the end I was hurt and we were both embarrassed. Stupid, I know, but I was young and foolish then.
The offensive part of this song to me isn't the idea that it will lead millions of adolescent girls to lesbianism. That is patently ridiculous. The other girl is who I feel for. This song is about a completely heterosexual tease and nothing more.

1 comment:

sgreerpitt said...

I must live in a black hole, because your post is the first I've heard about this. But then I don't have any direct connection to people under 18 (no kids, no kin). Glad to know about this since the freshman coming into my sociology classes this fall are likely to know about it - so now I'm in the "know."