I was going to post about the Pope's asinine stance on condom use in AIDS prevention, but I'm just too damn pissed off about it....
The man actually said that the use of condoms may "make matters worse" in the global AIDS pandemic. Worse?!? Condoms are the one (and thus far only) method outside of complete abstinence that is proven to prevent the transmission of HIV. Preaching abstinence and fidelity can't hurt, but to undercut the effectiveness of condoms, to suggest --with no scientific backing-- that they are making matters worse, is tantamount to consigning thousands of Africans to death.
Huh. I guess I wasn't too pissed off.
Consigning thousands of people to death is bad enough, but even worse is consigning millions of people to ignorance.
Millions? Possibly billions. The dumbass thinks people are going to keep their pants on...brilliant! I recommend that all Catholics do just that. Should do wonders for the church!
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