April 3, 2009

Friday Book Blogging

It was a light week of four books. The winner was Cokie Roberts' follow up to Founding Mothers, Ladies of Liberty. Ladies of Liberty follows the women behind the men in power following the election of John Adams in 1796 through the turbulent years of the War of 1812 and beyond as the United States of America stood to prove herself a viable nation with a unique government.
There are a few too many asides from the author and far too many exclamation points for a work of non-fiction, but the lives of many of our nation's notable women were extraordinary. And perhaps, if not some exclamation marks, at least a worthy biography is well-deserved.

1 comment:

Grammarian@mindspring.com said...

Abigail Adams was a rotten speller.

There's a fabulous nonfiction work called American Aurora that details John Adams's attempts to silence the newspapers that opposed him during his administration.