April 16, 2009

Spring stew

I was tossing about ideas for today's post.
Discarded were the ridiculous "tea parties" that managed to draw some 50,000 aging white males across the United States carrying signs decrying government spending while blind to the hypocrisy that the Bush administration spent astronomical sums for eight years without drawing a peep from these same "patriots."
Also rejected was the charming (and I mean that without any sarcasm at all) Scottish lady who belted out a show tune from Les Miserables on "Britain's Got Talent." She's fantastic, but since her YouTube video has over 6 million hits, she hardly needs my puny blog to pad her numbers. I do hope she gets her eyebrows done. And that no one takes advantage of her.
I briefly toyed with the story of a Kenyan man who bit a python that was attacking him, but it seems too unlikely to be true.
I haven't yet mentioned the new puppy. Cute, but hardly worthy of a blog post. (As if that is a highly coveted thing!)

So, as a default --but still worth a poke about-- I'm plumping a blog that has amazing photography and wonderful signs of spring (albeit in London).

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