May 9, 2011

It's all about me

I got dinner for Mother's Day. My Punkinhead bought me dinner. With her own money. She fetched a large box of pork lo mein from the local Chinese restaurant and we shared it. Not only was it delicious, but I didn't have to change out of my grubby comfortable "around the house" clothes.
I know a lot of kids send flowers or brunch at a nice restaurant, but I have always had a "Father's Day" approach to Mother's Day. Have you noticed that for Mother's Day the kids are always up-front and center? They wake you in the morning with "breakfast in bed" and are glued to you for the rest of the day making it a really special Mother's Day? But for Father's Day, it's all about daddy: "Shhh, don't wake daddy." "Daddy gets to watch his shows on TV." "Daddy wants some quiet time." "Daddy's going fishing for his special day."
I liked taking a page from Daddy's book when Punkinhead was little. I was all about her needs and wants 24-7 every other day of the year and for MY day, I wanted a little bit of ME time. I've noticed in recent years, moms are more likely to get (and enjoy) a spa day than a picnic with the kids, so I guess the idea has caught on.
Now that Punkinhead is an adult, I do like to spend time with her and since she is still a teen aged adult, spending time with me is a chore for her. (I totally cramp her style. Or harsh her buzz. Or embarrass the crap out of her. --Which, really, when you think about it, is my job now.) So spending an afternoon shopping and then buying me pork lo mein may not seem like a big deal, but to me it was the perfect Mother's Day.

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