The legislation that would require a background check on the purchase of firearms and NOTHING ELSE. No national database of gun owners. No limit on magazine size. No limit on assault weapons. No limit on personal arsenals. No rules on who can or cannot access your guns once they're purchased. No hint of trying to pry anyone's gun from anyone's cold dead hands.
Just let us check your background before you buy that AR-15 online. Are you insane? Are you a wife-beater? Are you a felon? No? Okay then. Enjoy your gun.
That's it. NINETY PERCENT of Americans think this is a great idea. The 10% that doesn't has bought and paid for our Senators. That is why they all voted against legislation that is OVERWHELMINGLY popular.
The reason they felt comfortable doing so, is summed up nicely in this quote from Bill Maher:
Freedom isn't free. It shouldn't be a bragging point that 'Oh, I don't get involved in politics,' as if that makes someone cleaner. No, that makes you derelict of duty in a republic. Liars and panderers in government would have a much harder time of it if so many people didn't insist on their right to remain ignorant and blindly agreeable.Too many of us do not hold our representatives accountable. Next election, remind them who they work for.
Below is a list of the Senators who thought buying a gun at a gun show without having to wait for a background check is more important than your opinion, or potentially, your life.
Alexander (R-TN) Ayotte (R-NH) Barrasso (R-WY) Baucus (D-MT) Begich (D-AK) Blunt (R-MO) Boozman (R-AR) Burr (R-NC) Chambliss (R-GA) Coats (R-IN) Coburn (R-OK) Cochran (R-MS) Corker (R-TN) Cornyn (R-TX) Crapo (R-ID) Cruz (R-TX) | Enzi (R-WY) Fischer (R-NE) Flake (R-AZ) Graham (R-SC) Grassley (R-IA) Hatch (R-UT) Heitkamp (D-ND) Heller (R-NV) Hoeven (R-ND) Inhofe (R-OK) Isakson (R-GA) Johanns (R-NE) Johnson (R-WI) Lee (R-UT) McConnell (R-KY) Moran (R-KS) | Murkowski (R-AK) Paul (R-KY) Portman (R-OH) Pryor (D-AR) Reid (D-NV) Risch (R-ID) Roberts (R-KS) Rubio (R-FL) Scott (R-SC) Sessions (R-AL) Shelby (R-AL) Thune (R-SD) Vitter (R-LA) Wicker (R-MS) And if you Tweet, click here. |
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