June 16, 2008


Our "personal assistant" kitty, Salome, was kind enough to bring me a mouse last night. Alive. This immediately caught the attention of our terrier-mix, Nutmeg. The two of them managed to work alternately at cross-purposes or in concert chasing and cornering the poor thing pawing and swatting it until I finally got it to crawl inside the plunger (of all things) which I carried out back and flung it into the neighbors bushes.
You would think that would be the end of it, but you would be wrong. Nutmeg was so worked up after the chase and missed the actual fling so she spent the following 45 minutes hunting for the mouse that she KNEW was there somewhere. This was succeeded by another hour of anxious panting. There is nothing like a freaked-out panting dog next to your head at 1 a.m. on a Sunday night to induce that restful sleep you need so badly for work the next morning.
And, of course, as soon as the mouse was gone, the cat, who instigated the whole thing, ambled away non-chalantly completely dismissing the entire event.

1 comment:

sgreerpitt said...

They don't call it "dogged persistence" for nothing!!