August 8, 2008

Friday Book Blogging

I was a fiend this week, reading 9 books, but they were all trash so don't be impressed. By trash, I mean what the book world refers to primarily as "beach" reads. Frivolous.
My favorite was Sue Grafton's I is for Innocent. I mentioned in a previous Friday Book Blogging that I was working my way through Grafton's alphabet of cases being tackled by her indomitable detective Kinsey Milhone. I liked this one because I (somewhat abashedly) admit that I didn't see it coming. The end was a good twist, and the story, like all of hers (so far), was fast-paced but full of detail too. A combination that is not easily achieved.
It might have been nice if our heroine didn't get so beat up in every book. One would think she'd be laid up too long to get to the next letter, but I suppose that's all part of the appeal of the series.


sgreerpitt said...

have you ever read any of Sara Paresky's V.I. Warshasky mysteries? If you like Kinsey Milhone you'll probably like V.I. Another series that goes back to the early 70's (but where the action actually unfolds over real time) is Marcia Muller's Sharon McCone stories.

punkinsmom said...

I have read Paretsky, and I do like them, but frequently they are a little bit too "hard-boiled" for my regular mystery-reading tastes.