August 11, 2008


We had some thunderstorms move through the neighborhood this weekend, which brought about the observation that no one is ambiguous about a big ostentatious cracking thunderboomer with a shocking (sometimes literally) light show.
People either seem to be terrified, though as adults, they strive to hide it, or they are thrilled and enthralled.
Due to the dangerous nature of the beast, we thrill-seekers are probably the stupider ones, but I console myself with the fact that at least I'm not chasing tornados.
Now, those people are nuts... .


sgreerpitt said...

I grew up in the SF Bay Area where thunderstorms were non-existent, but we often went in the summer to visit relatives in Virginia where thunderstorms were frequent, and terrifying to me. But in college in Ohio, where I felt safe inside a cinderblock dormitory I loved the storms and would sit on my desk facing the window and watch the flashes for hours.

By the way, I wonder if you meant ambivalent rather than ambiguous?

punkinsmom said...

Actually, I meant that everyone is definitively one or another thing in regards to their reactions to a thunderstorm. As in there is no wishy-washy "I'm not sure" middle ground. Either word seems to work here, but I will agree that 'ambivalent' sounds MUCH better.