September 8, 2008


photo by Uberphoto
Growing up in suburbia, one of the fond memories I have was collecting lightening bugs in a mason jar.

Living in suburbia now, it always seemed to me there were fewer of the little fellows around. This produced a bit of guilt at the thought of all those suitors languishing in a jar on my dresser overnight never to find the fireflyette of his dreams.
But then I thought maybe it was my imagination that they seemed more plenitful in my youth, much the same way your kindergarten classroom seems large at 5 and miniscule at 35.

Turns out, it's probably not an illusion. It will be a sad day when our grandchildren can no longer spend a summer night collecting the glowing bugs to create an impromptu nightlight.

1 comment:

Jim Donahue said...

A ton on Long Island when I was a kid. Then they disappeared.

But in the last few years they've made a comeback in these parts. I saw quite a few this summer.