December 23, 2008

Speak out

It's time to stop the "collective yawn" and be outraged by the United States of America participating in war crimes. Waterboarding is torture. The Bush administration insituted it as an "enhanced interrogation technique." We are as guilty as they are for not raising our voices in protest of the torture of another human being, no matter how reprehensible that person's actions were or are. Our silence is damning.

If nothing else, send an email to your Representative and Senators. Think of it as your Christmas present to humanity.


Darren Ewing said...

Only a small percentage of this interview was aired. I have seen all of it. I have also Interviewed Dick Cheney myself. I do not carry a torch for him, but he is not a stupid or insensitive man.

None of this is as it appears. There is no "collective yawn" - just misinformed thinking.

Your statements (and those of MSNBC) disagree with even the Obama Administrations Policy on this "torture" scenario.

There are simple truths that cannot be denied by rhetoric from a misinformed and unduly incensed public. Not least of which is the policy of fighting demons with demons. Too many people would have us battle demons with roses.

...and we would lose to them.

Aut vincere aut mori

punkinsmom said...

I have no doubt that the incoming administration will not pursue this. I have no illusion that I'm not a minority in thinking that terrorists should not be tortured. I am merely stating my opinion that waterboarding and other 'enhanced interrogation techniques' devalue not only the detainee, but the perpetrator.
There is no historical evidence at all that suggests that waterboarding is NOT torture. Throughout history (as far back as the Spanish inquisition) waterboarding has been defined as a torture.
My position is that we should not have lowered ourselves to that level and we should make clear that we will not again.
As I said, I know I'm in the minority on this. It is still what I believe.

Darren Ewing said...

Not questioning your right to an opinion, just stating my own... sorry if I came off that way.

The reference to "collective yawn" is more my concern. The idea that others disagree on the topic does not mean that they are apathetic. "Our silence" is not necessarily "damming" - it may very well be "acceptance."

It is in my case. I am aware of the issue and agree with the actions taken. As brutal as it may seem, I believe that fire must be fought with fire.

Speak to terrorists with terror.

Just my opinion.

Anonymous said...

The Rich and well off (for the most part) Don't send there children into war...the "collective yawn" could just be complete indifference.