February 6, 2009

Friday Book Blogging

The pick this week is a standout in a smallish crowd: only five books. (I'm cutting down on my smoking and in doing so, I need distractions which reading does not provide. So I've been reading less and pacing, sweeping, loading the dishwasher, wiping down the fridge/toilet/sink/stove, vacuuming, bathing the dog, --you get the idea.)
At any rate, I did read five books this week and my favorite was Paul Auster's Timbuktu. Willy G. Christmas leaves his dog Mr. Bones with an indelibly skewed version of reality. This book is told almost entirely from Mr. Bones' perspective, but by the grace of Auster's prose, we come to a perfect understanding of, not only Mr. Bones, but the troubled Willy as well.

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