Did you know that (for us Americans) a
plane tree is the same as a sycamore? As a reader of many books that take place in Europe, I had seen mention of plane trees a number of times. So, out of curiousity (it
is getting on time to start thinking of the garden), I googled "plane tree" and discovered that what all of Europe calls a plane, we call sycamore.
And apparently, in England at least, they can get quite fat!

1 comment:
Interesting, thanks for the info. I was intrigued that none of the photos of plane trees (from the Wikipedia link) show the most distinctive feature of American sycamores -- the smooth white branches that standout so vividly in winter. See post: http://sunflowerroots.blogspot.com/2008/12/sycamores-in-winter.html
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