August 31, 2011

I'd like that to go

When I was in school, food trucks meant one thing: the Burrito Buggy at 2 a.m. on your way home from the bars.
Once I started working, food trucks became what was euphemistically referred to as a "roach coach" which offered stale donuts and 4-day-old kielbasa sandwiches with brown lettuce.
Now food trucks have become gourmet. And quite trendy. The Cooking Channel has a show about them called Eat St. (which I have never seen, so it could suck for all I know). And FoodTV has the Great Food Truck Race which includes Cleveland competitor Hodge Podge.
The fantastically named Dim and den Sum is still my favorite, though. And I have it on good authority that it will be featured in a future episode of the aforementioned Eat St.:
"I just got ambushed/snookered by a Food Network [sic] crew. I'm really, really hoping they cannot use any footage of my fat and food-slathered face.
The production assistant swore there would be no talking, told me to take as big a bite as possible, then proceeded to ask me several questions as mayonnaise ran across my hands and face. The show is Eat Street. Cooking Network.[sic]
I'm also deeply sincere in my hope that I my segment stays on the cutting room floor. The show is about street food and food trucks. I was having a sandwich from the Dim and Den Sum truck."

I love my brother this much. As soon as I know the air-date, I will inform you all. ;D

1 comment:

BillBow Baggins said...

Oh yes, please do. I NEED to see this.

Burrito Buggy probably kept me from starving to death when I was on the meal plan.
