September 2, 2011

Friday Book Blogging

This week's book list was only three, and the clear winner was Jacqueline Winspear's latest Maisie Dobbs mystery, A Lesson in Secrets. Maisie is recruited by the British Secret Service to do a little spying. The story brings up some interesting thoughts on pacifism and bravery. And touches on some of the destructive things that happen to a society during a war.
Maisie is her usual perspicacious self, but still overthinks things. The murder was secondary to the story, more of a device than the driving force of the narrative. It felt like Winspear created the murder so we could delve into the idea of conscientious objectors and deserters.
Nonetheless, I enjoyed the story and the mystery added spice. The one disappointment is the budding relationship with James which felt like the author just didn't know what to do with it so just left it to flounder.

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