This past weekend was the Cleveland Oktoberfest. This usually strikes people as odd until they learn that the original Oktoberfest in Bavaria was held to celebrate the October wedding of Ludwig I, but because the weather in Bavaria is as iffy as the weather here in October, the Germans decided to start the party a little early. (Presumably after three weeks of drinking, the rain and cold no longer bother you.)
For blogging purposes, Oktoberfest will be celebrated by noting that of all the famous Germans, living or dead, including Ludwig von Beethoven, Johann Sebastian Bach (and all of his kids), Albert Einstein, Martin Luther, Karl Marx, Johannes Gutenberg, and Otto von Bismarck the Germans themselves chose Johann Wolfgang von Goethe as the "greatest."
Maybe I don't have the proper appreciation for Faust. Or polymaths.
Before I vote, how do you define "German"?
I'm going with "born in the area we now define as Germany."
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