November 13, 2007


Is it shallow and avaricious of me to think of the reports of Prince Harry splitting with his girlfriend as an opportunity for my Punkin to be royalty?

(She's already a princess in my book.)

Is it possible for an American to become British royalty?

5 comments: said...

Harry is only half-English,and that on his mother's side. His father's family is 100% German.

punkinsmom said...

Well, Punkin has half-German ancestry so they've already got that much in common.

Gerald (SK14) said...

the last american to aim her hat at british royalty was mrs simpson and she caused a constitutional crisis ending in abdication.

punkinsmom said...

So you'd be discouraging that then, Hyde? Damn. Of course the chances of Harry ever being in a position to abdicate are slim....

Gerald (SK14) said...

making no recommendations either way just acquainting you with the facts - draw your own conclusions