December 1, 2008

O tannenbaum

For the first time ever, we have something other than white lights on our tree.
Now that may not seem like a big deal to you, but I was raised with NO lights on the tree, only a couple dozen candles lit on Christmas eve, that's it. It strikes me as counter-intuitive, but as soon as we kids were old enough to understand the dangers of crawling under a live tree with 25-or-so open flames going and dragging gifts out to tear wrappings off of them, my mother decided to embrace the future and bought about 100 mini white lights. So from about age 8, I recall our Christmas tree with white lights. Therefore, my tree had white lights. Despite the urgings of the rest of the household.
Well, I finally caved and we supplemented our white lights with a string of pink and a string of gold (which looks orange) to match the new living room, and I have to admit that it looks pretty good. I still cling to the white lights of my youth, but this tiny concession I can live with. And it temporarily shuts the rest of them up.
In reality, I'm not entirely happy and they're not entirely happy. But that's okay. After all, isn't disgruntled family members what this season is all about?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This entry is lacking a picture.

That was my first thought. Then... I actually opened my eyes, stepped away from my usual cantankerous and sarcastic throne of power, and saw your tree in my mind's eye.

It sounds wonderful. It appears wonderful in my head.

I also expect that your elders, were they here to see it, or if they do see it... will appreciate your addendum to the light. I know that far away in my little world... I do.

I wish I had a tree just like it.

Thank you.