May 23, 2011

Monday garden blogging

I'm noticing that many of my Monday posts tend to be about gardening. It's that time of year, and after spending an entire weekend getting dirty (and not in the good way), gardening is on my mind Mondays.

Today I'm coming to the realization that for every two things I cross off my list of things to do, three more are added. I had (long ago) mapped our yard and sketched in future plantings with the intention of reducing lawn and increasing flowers and shrubs. There are still two major projects that have yet to be started and I'm tired just thinking about them. And those two major projects...? Not on the list. So all that "to do" stuff is regular garden work.

People see our yard and always say, "You must love to garden." No. I hate it. But I do absolutely LOVE the end result. So springtime finds me obsessing a bit and griping a lot. And achy every Monday.

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