May 3, 2012

Credit due

Some conservatives are upset that the president is "playing politics" with the killing of Osama bin Laden. Here's the thing:  We liberals got all ticked off about G.W. Bush's political use of the capture (and subsequent execution) of Saddam Hussein, and back then all the GOPers said "tough cookies." Now the shoe is on the other foot, and it doesn't fit so well.
Their counter-attack in this case is that it's unfair for President Obama to take credit for killing bin Laden because the actual killing was done by the Navy Seals and military special ops. (As opposed to President Bush claiming credit for capturing Hussein since he searched all those foxholes himself. Or blaming all the deaths caused by the terrorists on 9/11 on Osama bin Laden since he actually crashed all the planes by himself.)
I've actually seen the Facebook (re)post comparing the assassination of bin Laden to McDonald's (where we are encouraged to thank the guy making the burger, not the clown who sells it --I'll leave it to you to figure out who they think is the clown). To this ridiculous metaphor I want to respond:  if it weren't for the clown, there would be no burger-flipping yahoo to thank. No one in the military, Navy Seals, Super-Special-Awesome Ops, General to Corporal, was going to go on the raid that got Osama bin Laden without the Commander in Chief making the call. And if they had failed, everyone would have been more than happy to heap the blame and scorn on his head. So let's allow him a bit of credit here.
(It's not like any one will remember this in November.)

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